Source code for represent.core

import inspect
from functools import partial
from reprlib import recursive_repr

from .helper import PrettyReprHelper, ReprHelper, RichReprHelper
from .utilities import ReprInfo

__all__ = ["ReprHelperMixin", "autorepr"]


[docs] def autorepr(*args, **kwargs): """Class decorator to construct :code:`__repr__` **automatically** based on the arguments to ``__init__``. :code:`_repr_pretty_` for :py:mod:`IPython.lib.pretty` is constructed unless `include_pretty=False`. :code:`__rich_repr__` for :py:mod:`rich.pretty` is constructed unless `include_rich=False`. :param positional: Mark arguments as positional by number, or a list of argument names. :param include_pretty: Add a ``_repr_pretty_`` to the class (defaults to True). :param include_rich: Add a ``__rich_repr__`` to the class (defaults to True). Example: .. code-block:: python >>> @autorepr ... class A: ... def __init__(self, a, b): ... self.a = a ... self.b = b >>> print(A(1, 2)) A(a=1, b=2) .. code-block:: python >>> @autorepr(positional=1) ... class B: ... def __init__(self, a, b): ... self.a = a ... self.b = b >>> print(A(1, 2)) A(1, b=2) .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 """ cls = positional = None include_pretty = _DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PRETTY include_rich = _DEFAULT_INCLUDE_RICH # We allow using @autorepr or @autorepr(positional=..., ...), so check # how we were called. if args and not kwargs: if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError("Class must be only positional argument.") (cls,) = args if not isinstance(cls, type): raise TypeError( "The sole positional argument must be a class. To use the " "'positional' argument, use a keyword." ) elif not args and kwargs: valid_kwargs = {"positional", "include_pretty", "include_rich"} invalid_kwargs = set(kwargs) - valid_kwargs if invalid_kwargs: error = f"Unexpected keyword arguments: {invalid_kwargs}" raise TypeError(error) positional = kwargs.get("positional") include_pretty = kwargs.get("include_pretty", include_pretty) include_rich = kwargs.get("include_rich", include_rich) elif (args and kwargs) or (not args and not kwargs): raise TypeError("Use bare @autorepr or @autorepr(...) with keyword args.") # Define the methods we'll add to the decorated class. @recursive_repr() def __repr__(self): return self.__class__._represent.fstr.format(self=self) repr_pretty = rich_repr = None if include_pretty: repr_pretty = _make_repr_pretty() if include_rich: rich_repr = _make_rich_repr() if cls is not None: return _autorepr_decorate( cls, repr=__repr__, repr_pretty=repr_pretty, rich_repr=rich_repr ) else: return partial( _autorepr_decorate, repr=__repr__, repr_pretty=repr_pretty, rich_repr=rich_repr, positional=positional, include_pretty=include_pretty, include_rich=include_rich, )
def _make_repr_pretty(): def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): """Pretty printer for :class:`IPython.lib.pretty`""" cls = self.__class__ clsname = cls.__name__ if cycle: p.text(f"{clsname}(...)") else: positional_args = cls._represent.args keyword_args = with + 1, clsname + "(", ")"): for i, positional in enumerate(positional_args): if i: p.text(",") p.breakable() p.pretty(getattr(self, positional)) for i, keyword in enumerate(keyword_args, start=len(positional_args)): if i: p.text(",") p.breakable() with + 1, keyword + "="): p.pretty(getattr(self, keyword)) return _repr_pretty_ def _make_rich_repr(): def __rich_repr__(self): """Pretty printer for :mod:`rich.pretty`""" cls = self.__class__ positional_args = cls._represent.args keyword_args = for positional in positional_args: yield getattr(self, positional) for keyword in keyword_args: yield keyword, getattr(self, keyword) return __rich_repr__ def _getparams(cls): signature = inspect.signature(cls) params = list(signature.parameters) kwonly = { for p in signature.parameters.values() if p.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY } return params, kwonly def _autorepr_decorate( cls, repr, repr_pretty, rich_repr, positional=None, include_pretty=_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PRETTY, include_rich=_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_RICH, ): params, kwonly = _getparams(cls) # Args can be opted in as positional if positional is None: positional = [] elif isinstance(positional, int): positional = params[:positional] elif isinstance(positional, str): positional = [positional] # Ensure positional args can't follow keyword args. keyword_started = None # _repr_pretty_ uses lists for the pretty printer calls repr_args = [] repr_kw = [] # Construct format string for __repr__ repr_fstr_parts = ["{self.__class__.__name__}", "("] for i, arg in enumerate(params): if i: repr_fstr_parts.append(", ") if arg in positional: repr_fstr_parts.append(f"{{self.{arg}!r}}") repr_args.append(arg) if arg in kwonly: raise ValueError(f"keyword only argument '{arg}' cannot be positional") if keyword_started: raise ValueError( "positional argument '{}' cannot follow keyword" " argument '{}'".format(arg, keyword_started) ) else: keyword_started = arg repr_fstr_parts.append("{0}={{self.{0}!r}}".format(arg)) repr_kw.append(arg) repr_fstr_parts.append(")") # Store as class variable. cls._represent = ReprInfo("".join(repr_fstr_parts), repr_args, repr_kw) cls.__repr__ = repr if include_pretty: cls._repr_pretty_ = repr_pretty if include_rich: cls.__rich_repr__ = rich_repr return cls
[docs] class ReprHelperMixin: """Mixin to provide :code:`__repr__` and :code:`_repr_pretty_` for :py:mod:`IPython.lib.pretty` from user defined :code:`_repr_helper_` function. For full API, see :py:class:`represent.helper.BaseReprHelper`. .. code-block:: python def _repr_helper_(self, r): r.positional_from_attr('attrname') r.positional_with_value(value) r.keyword_from_attr('attrname') r.keyword_from_attr('keyword', 'attrname') r.keyword_with_value('keyword', value) .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ __slots__ = () @recursive_repr() def __repr__(self): r = ReprHelper(self) self._repr_helper_(r) return str(r) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): with PrettyReprHelper(self, p, cycle) as r: self._repr_helper_(r) def __rich_repr__(self): r = RichReprHelper(self) self._repr_helper_(r) yield from r